Active Cryptocurrencies: 2116 | Active Exchanges: 234 | Total MarketCap $120,383,351,083.57 | BTC Dominance: 52.33% | ETH Dominance: 10.31%

Crypto Exchange July WK2 2017

For Crypto Exchange July WK2 2017, most crypto currencies suffered a strong blow, knocking off their prices down the exchanges by about 20 percent.

Crypto Exchange July WK2 2017 can easily pass as a disappointing week for the crypto exchange. Most of the top 10 crypto currencies suffered a huge price decline as compared to the previous weekly roundups. MaidSafeCoin (MAID) made a buzz this time around because of its almost 50-percent drop in price, while Steem (STEEM) was not too far behind in terms of a declining value.

Crypto Exchange July WK2 2017

The beginning of Crypto Exchange July WK2 2017 saw nine of the 10 crypto currencies registering negative movements. In fact, the largest drop from Monday morning to Wednesday morning came from MaidSafeCoin with 26 percent and was followed by NEM (NEM), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), and Ethereum Classic (ETC).

Ethereum, which still showed enough power last week, struggled to maintain the drive. This resulted in its price dropping almost $40 in the Ethereum exchange. Almost all crypto coins had a two-digit price fall except for Bitcoin (BTC) and Litecoin (LTC). The gold and silver of the crypto currency market managed to keep their prices slightly adjusted in Crypto Exchange July WK2 2017.

The Bitcoin exchange price of $2,328 at this time is still not bad if last year’s price were to be considered. But with Bitcoin already reaching above $3,000 last time, its current price may cause other bitcoiners to be alarmed. Nonetheless, Crypto Exchange July WK2 2017 still shows the crypto currency market price can significantly fluctuate.

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