Active Cryptocurrencies: 2116 | Active Exchanges: 234 | Total MarketCap $120,383,351,083.57 | BTC Dominance: 52.33% | ETH Dominance: 10.31%

Crypto Exchange June WK2 2017

For Crypto Exchange June WK2 2017, Monero dropped the biggest this week and was followed by Bitcoin, Ethereum Classic, and MaidSafeCoin.

Crypto Exchange June WK2 2017 showed all cryptocurrencies heading down south in our weekly roundups. The momentum seemed to have shifted gears as all the top 10 coins on the crypto exchange suffered from a meltdown, with Bitcoin (BTC) leading the pack.

Crypto Exchange June WK2 2017: Latest in Crypto Prices

After weeks of non-stop increase, the Bitcoin price began to fall, failing to break past the $3,000 mark once again. From the $2,979 price on Monday morning, Bitcoin exchange users settled at $2,414 four days after. This is around $400 short of the price on the same day last week. With Bitcoin still struggling to regain its drive throughout Crypto Exchange June WK2 2017, other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum (ETH) and Dash (DASH) registered significant percentage decreases as well.

Ethereum dropped around $27 from Monday to Friday in the Ethereum exchange, while Dash fell by almost $35. Crypto Exchange June WK2 2017 proved to be a challenge for the altcoins as Ripple (XRP), Monero (XMR), and Steem (STEEM) each suffered the same fate.

Of the 10, only Ethereum and Steem increased from Monday to Wednesday, but it was all down the hill for the rest of the week for all crypto coins. The biggest loser for Crypto Exchange June WK2 2017 is Monero, followed by Bitcoin, Ethereum Classic (ETC), and MaidSafeCoin (MAID).

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