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Travelling with Cryptocurrencies Done Well

Flying and staying in hotels with cryptocurrencies has never been easier with the travel firm Travala and nowadays.

Paying with cryptocurrencies for your hotel stays is a reality with Travala.

For those people who have never heard of Travala, this is a service that lets people pay for their hotel stays with cryptocurrencies and now will integrate accommodations from to their platform. With over 90,000 different destinations to choose from, this new feature will expand the Travala platform to everyone.

The announcement is made on the 25th of November.

Travala’s users can pay with its AVA token and other big crypto assets like Bitcoin (BTC), Dash (DASH), Litecoin (LTC), and others.

Travala’s CEO Matt Luczynski stated:

“This partnership allows our users to access’s accommodation listings, as well as the listings from several other leading travel suppliers, which is a fantastic use case for our own AVA token and another huge step towards mass cryptocurrency adoption.”

On the 25th of November, Travala announced that their AVA token is currently listed on Binance DEX and is trading against the Binance coin on its platform.


The trend is most likely spreading since multiple travel companies around the world begun supporting cryptocurrencies for payment. Such travel company is Alternative Airlines which partnered with Utrust, a crypto service. Their partnership is seen to bring facilitation of crypto payments to the company.

A Scandinavian airline Norwegian Air have plans of their own crypto exchange which will lead to welcoming crypto payments by all means.

Facilitating crypto payments to the tourism industry may be just one of the many opportunities that various industries present to the crypto economy to grow and prosper more than ever.

Have you used cryptocurrencies for travelling purposes? Share down below. Follow on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook and be part of the hype.


Coin Choose is a dynamic crypto-journalist known for his sharp insights and lively writing style. With a background in investigative journalism and a knack for demystifying the complex world of cryptocurrencies, CC brings a fresh, engaging perspective to the crypto news landscape. His personal motto, "Decrypting crypto, one story at a time," perfectly encapsulates his approach: tackling the complexities of cryptocurrency with clarity, enthusiasm, and a hint of playful curiosity.

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